Resonance - A New Return To The Last Empire Of The Jedi
Bonus Fan-Holiday Episode!
Resonance - A New Return to the Last Empire of the Jedi
Happy May the Fourth to all!!! We meet up with our heroes as they convene to pay tribute to a property they love; that many, many people love. Star Wars. A topic we’ve chatted about before here, and as we take a moment to discuss how the End of the Saga resonates with each of our guests, we also look to what the franchise could become, what we think about the current direction, and the state of that galaxy far, far, away. We were graced with Mike (Arvig), Charlie (CCC), James (JJJ) and Mike (Hoptimus) in the Virtual Red Room, and had an amazing time….My journey began, as family legend tells, at less than 1 year old, as my parents took a sleeping baby to see The Star Wars. I awoke during the cantina scene, and uttered not a peep, but remained transfixed at what played out on the screen; and in many ways, I am still transfixed, still a fan. We hope your May 4th is filled with wonder and joy, that can all set aside the less desirable elements of fandom, and embrace this wonderful vision that brought us all together.
Catch Hoptimus over on TAGcast podcast wherever excellent podcasts can be found.
Reflections: Twin Peaks-The Return observations, and impressions
Ruminations: Wandering thoughts, ideas, and conversations that enjoy the
journey over the destinations
Reminiscence: Tales of friendship, adventures, and the drinks along the way
Resonance: Reviews and the like, over art of all kinds
Twitter: Ruminations@FromTheRedRoom
Facebook Ruminations from the Red Room
Instagram FromTheRedRoom
Bonus Fan-Holiday Episode!
Resonance - A New Return to the Last Empire of the Jedi
Happy May the Fourth to all!!! We meet up with our heroes as they convene to pay tribute to a property they love; that many, many people love. Star Wars. A topic we’ve chatted about before here, and as we take a moment to discuss how the End of the Saga resonates with each of our guests, we also look to what the franchise could become, what we think about the current direction, and the state of that galaxy far, far, away. We were graced with Mike (Arvig), Charlie (CCC), James (JJJ) and Mike (Hoptimus) in the Virtual Red Room, and had an amazing time….My journey began, as family legend tells, at less than 1 year old, as my parents took a sleeping baby to see The Star Wars. I awoke during the cantina scene, and uttered not a peep, but remained transfixed at what played out on the screen; and in many ways, I am still transfixed, still a fan. We hope your May 4th is filled with wonder and joy, that can all set aside the less desirable elements of fandom, and embrace this wonderful vision that brought us all together.
Catch Hoptimus over on TAGcast podcast wherever excellent podcasts can be found.
Reflections: Twin Peaks-The Return observations, and impressions
Ruminations: Wandering thoughts, ideas, and conversations that enjoy the
journey over the destinations
Reminiscence: Tales of friendship, adventures, and the drinks along the way
Resonance: Reviews and the like, over art of all kinds
Twitter: Ruminations@FromTheRedRoom
Facebook Ruminations from the Red Room
Instagram FromTheRedRoom
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